Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

I mean, I’m not saying that you don’t know what you’re talking about, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.

March 7, 2010

I came across an interesting website the other day. The concept is similar to what Waking Life suggests. is intended to be set as your internet browser’s homepage so each time you load it you ‘check mentally’ if you’re awake or asleep. With the purpose being that when you dream of loading your internet browser (which I do all the time, I’m just sayin’) you’ll also ‘check mentally’ if you’re asleep or not and this will allow you to dream more lucidly. If anyone out there has had any success with this website, a similar website, or a similar technique, please comment so that we can begin an email dialogue.

I’ve learned a lot on lucidity and the website I like the most so far is Definitely watch Waking Life by Richard Linklater is you haven’t before.

It’s getting late so I’ll finish/edit this tomorrow.